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Learn about inorganic salts: essential trace elements for the human body

March 14, 2024
Learn about inorganic salts: essential trace elements for the human body
1. What is inorganic salt?
Good Quality Inorganic Salts are compounds composed of cations and anions, and do not contain carbon. Common inorganic salts include sodium chloride, calcium carbonate, magnesium sulfate and so on.
2. What is the role of inorganic salt in the human body?
Good Quality Inorganic Salts play an important role in the human body, including maintaining electrolyte balance in the body, promoting nerve conduction, participating in enzyme activity and cell metabolism. Lack of certain inorganic salts can lead to varying degrees of problems in the body, such as calcium deficiency, which can lead to osteoporosis.
Good Quality Inorganic Salts
3. How much inorganic salt do people need to eat every day?
According to nutritionists, adults need to consume about 6 grams of inorganic salt per day. This intake can be met through the daily diet of salt, vegetables, fruits, etc. Too much or too little intake can have health effects, so it is very important to maintain a moderate intake.
4. Types of High Quality Inorganic Salts and their functions
There are many kinds of High Quality Inorganic Salts in the human body, and each has a different role. Among them, sodium chloride is the key substance to maintain water balance and stable blood pressure in the body; Calcium carbonate is a major component of bones and teeth and is essential for bone health. Magnesium sulfate is involved in the activity of a variety of enzymes and is also essential for normal neuromuscular function.
High Quality Inorganic Salts
In addition, the human body also needs to take in trace elements, such as iron, zinc, copper and so on. Iron is a component of hemoglobin and myoglobin, which carry oxygen to tissues throughout the body; Zinc is a cofactor of many enzymes and is essential for the immune system and growth and development. Copper is an important element for the normal function of the nervous system.
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